About Us

The Inspired Author was created by editor/author duo and friends, Tara Grace Ericson and Jessica Barber, with a vision of creating books, courses, and other resources to encourage and equip authors.
Jessica Barber is the owner and chief editor of New Life Editing Solutions, where she has done editing and author coaching for both traditionally and independently published authors. For more information about her editing and coaching services, visit her website at www.NewLifeEditing.com
Tara Grace Ericson publishes Christian romance and romantic suspense, with nearly twenty titles published as of 2023. Her non-fiction titles and author resources are published under Tara G. Ericson, including the popular "Prayers for Writers" guided prayer journal which released in early 2023 and was the first book to carry our "The Inspired Author" brand. Learn more about Tara at her website, www.taragraceericson.com
Tara and Jessica live in the Ozarks of Missouri, raising their families as close friends and business partners, working between laughter during playdates and long phone calls.
Jessica Barber is the owner and chief editor of New Life Editing Solutions, where she has done editing and author coaching for both traditionally and independently published authors. For more information about her editing and coaching services, visit her website at www.NewLifeEditing.com
Tara Grace Ericson publishes Christian romance and romantic suspense, with nearly twenty titles published as of 2023. Her non-fiction titles and author resources are published under Tara G. Ericson, including the popular "Prayers for Writers" guided prayer journal which released in early 2023 and was the first book to carry our "The Inspired Author" brand. Learn more about Tara at her website, www.taragraceericson.com
Tara and Jessica live in the Ozarks of Missouri, raising their families as close friends and business partners, working between laughter during playdates and long phone calls.